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So-young kwak, 35 y.o.
Cheonan, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
inactive user
hi :)
inactive user
Hi So-young,
I'm ok--I was just doing some housework and took a break.
Is So-young your given name or your family name?
inactive user
My exams are over now, I got into university :)
inactive user
High school ends when you are 19 here. Then the graduation exams come and later university entrance exams.
Cool, where do you want to go?
inactive user
I'm just ennjoying summer with friends. Also working a bit and making university entrance exams.
What is Toefl?
inactive user
So how have you been doing?
inactive user
I'm Rait. Nice to meet you :)
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2009
hi, i am good =)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2009
hmm.. I'm not really sure yet. lately I've been wanting to become a chef, but I don't know if that's the right path for me. I need to think of something that will make me successful. any recommendations?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2009
oh haha. if you just said professional education I would've understood ^^. I've never heard the word "pedagony" used before :P. primary school is for little kids right?
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