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SAmZ, 36 y.o.
Seremban, Malaysia [Current City]



Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 103.
inactive user
thank you ^^
inactive user
inactive user
hi :) .... nice to meet u too
inactive user
hola <3
i mght go add you soon.
but we need more talkkkk ahah
lovely to mee you :D
inactive user
heya hun you ok?
im not very well! been ill all week and not got any better :( need someone to cheer me up lol, you?
you have a nice valentines day? x
inactive user
yeaa!! juz imagine, im a surviver ok!! well yea im going to canada. im only afraid of the 14hr journy in e flight.hope no disaster take place.(touchwood) ive seen so programmes on flight disaster.. lol
omg u guys muz be pressured there nw! haha well this happens all the time.. whenever wanna study cannot study.. whenever don wanna study, v become too lazy to study.. lol.. hw hv e exams been??
wow exam hv such questions huh?? which subject ah?? very interesting..but tough!! haha
mmmm... probably all the ans r hidden bhind tamil movies. they always hv such probs whereby the change is tht urs is a chinese gal n in e movie is e matter of caste.. lol jp muz hv gotten all sorts of best ans if he watches tamil movies!! haha
my ans is this.. act a drama as though they r dead n when their parents cry over them n etc hv some1 to say tht u could hv made them marry.. once e parents realise, let them awake n tell their parents tht this wld become true if they don unite them 2gather!!
how is my ans?? hhahaa.. LOL
Wht was ur ans to e exam?
inactive user
hahaha right now no life!! know wht?? this is a world record.. haha in my dictionary probably.. sitting idle for more thn a yr.. i got 5 more months to go!!:(
haha lol.. hey ur a malay or christian?? ok im typing this msg so once its posted ive to check out ur profile.. lol..
haha i wont easily be hooked man!! lol.. ill like to go for the quay quay stuffs!! now my festival is coming up n ill get to have them.. lol
well daily routine... wake up at 9 or 10.. hv breakfast... sit in the com.. hv lunch... see wht i could do.. if nothing to do excluding household chores ill take a nap.. thn evening comes.. n sit quietly in the room with deep thoughts n if theres anything ill write them when all are alseep n go online... hw do u find my routine???

so wht hv u been up to these days?
inactive user
haha no! what's that?
inactive user
haha I'm shy! that's true :) but well, my pictures has nothing to do with that :D
I hate modeling, is not for me :D
nice to meet u Sam :D
so.. what's up? =)
inactive user
hey... yea.. he hv u been?? well life is boring.. still not doing anything...:( (CRIESS....)
hw hv u been?? hw was hari raya?? haha i know long time back.. but season still there.. lol
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