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Nina, 33 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 400.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2011
inactive user
Haha yes i am a firefighter :)
inactive user
Hey nice too meet you im adam :) Im great. How about you?
inactive user
its cuz you can drink huh?.. lol jk id feel that way too haha what you been up to latly?
inactive user
yep yep...i guess im driving out there!!!! i hope i dont get stuck.... what do you mean it gets better each time?...
inactive user
thats cool... i dont think i could do a job like that... germany!! what was that like.. i wanna go there someday.. you proably dont remember huh... i did one semester of community college... studing to be a biologist but for now im not going to school im about to move to colorado im a month.. so im pumped for that...
inactive user
I'm guessing pretty small that's not very many people my class was 300 sumthin but that's in a bigger town and now we've lost power its awsome haha what are you going to college for have you always lived in new york?
inactive user
haha same here atleast you live in newyork i bet it awsome there.. kansas is flat and theres like maybe 3000 in my town haha when does spring start.. march?.. oh and thats me that added you on fb if you didnt figure that out already
inactive user
yeah it was crazy theres so much snow it redicious i was just driving along and drove into a ditch thankfully somebody camee by haha it was horrible.. im afraid to leave the confinds of my house today... kansas sucks ..:(
inactive user
yeah haha same here.. it hard to go anywhere i actually drove in a ditch today haha
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