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Miho, 51 y.o.
Saga, Japan [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2016

I am from North India, a graduate engineer, a single male , having done higher studies in Germany. Working as a senior executive in an Engineering company. Here is something, on which I would like to live my life by, I wish, I were big enough honestly to admit all my shortcomings, brilliant enough to accept praise, without it making me arrogant, tall enough to tower about deceit, strong enough to welcome criticism, compassionate enough to understand human frailties, wise enough to recognize my mistakes, humble enough to appreciate greatness, staunch enough to stand by my friends, human enough to be thoughtful of my neighbor and righteous enough to be devoted to the love of God.

I believe deeply in spiritualism, heed very much to my inner voice and strongly believe that all happens for the good. Also I believe very much in destiny. I know for sure that everything is there within us; we just need to look deep inside ourselves for the answers.

Life is a journey and we r mere travellers, hope to go on this path with integrity and truth.

I believe in treating people, as you want to be treated. Learn not to blame others & let go of the past. Life is generally full of lessons. Once you learn one, you move to the next! Easier said than done, I know!! I think & know that I am a simple person, both in mind and in soul. Honest and upfront in my dealings with people - you wont catch me playing games and I do not appreciate those who do!!

A sense of humour is essential, someone reasonably happy go lucky that always thinks the glass is half full, not half empty. An optimist who is not overly concerned with material success, someone with the self-confidence to believe in their own unique world view. Someone who doesn't bear grudges and is reasonably tolerant of the views of others. Intelligence is also important

My hobbies are: reading, meditation, making new friends, long walks, visiting with friends, travelling, music and a lot more.

Hoping to hear from you for long term relationship.

Take care and keep smiling. Best Regards,

My e-mail ID is :- [email protected]
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2013
hi miho, am gamson fron canada can we be a close friend? you look very prety to me.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2012
Konnichiwa :) Thank you for visiting my page :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2012
Konnichiwa Miho : )
inactive user
hi i am hasan.I am from bangladesh.I should let you know one thing that JAPAN is my dreem.I want to know about japanese & there culture.When I was in school I red about JAPAN,I know about 2nd world war when millions of japanese were died! I was very sad.I want a very good japanese friend who can help to know about japan.Thank you. Take care
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2012
Hello Miho~thanks so much for the visit to my profile~

I appreciate it~
Have a great day~
Sincerely Maryann^^
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2012
Hi Miho.

I´m Ramona from Germany. I hope we can write each other once. The Picture with the Cherry blossoms look great.
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