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Richard Hammond, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 118.
inactive user

yes, i remember you :)
ah, okay..
inactive user
Oh hi!
It's fine~
Okay I will add you :)
inactive user
How are you?
I made an msn :)
inactive user
You are? Cool! But why? :D
Hehe, nice^^
inactive user
Hehe, it's okay;)

I'm good, thanks, and you?
inactive user
That's exciting ^^
Will you be going to college in Korea?
I don't have msn, I can get it if you want though.
inactive user
okay, cool :D
what stupid thing..? :S
inactive user
Hehe, okay:P

What have you done today?
inactive user
Hey, sorry I took forever to respond, I've been so busy this month with school and testing..besides that I'm good. Only a little over a month left of school!! How have you been?
inactive user
I'm good, thanks, and you?
yeah, it is!
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