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Kevin, 29 y.o.
Clarksville, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 306.
inactive user
thanx for writing to my wall ;-) im ryoko nice to meet u kevin^-^
inactive user
What's that? XD
I thought you were in high school. Lol
inactive user
Well, a few of us. There's a ton of us, but only like, 5 come on here regularly. I'm one of them. ^^
What school do you go to now, if u don't go to Notheast anymore?
I used to want to go there. -_-
inactive user
I go to Kenwood right now, I had gotten zoned to go to Rossview. But they changed everything.
There are a ton of people on here from Clarksville. I know most of them personally now. ^^
inactive user
Hi, Kevin! I'm Cece. U gotta tell me what school you go to. I probably seen you before, lol. XD
I live in Clarksville like you, I like kpop. And I love going to the mall.
I hope you can consider me as friend potential. ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2012
inactive user
Me is Wen(文),I am Chinese and I speak Chinese,English and Japanese.I was born in 1996.I like ACG(Anime,comic and game! :D )I major in science subjects in school.I love music tew!:] I like rock n roll and some light music.My favourite band is A Day to Remember.Sometimes I listen to pop songs but I think pop songs are not my type really XD But there're still some brilliant pop songs ... lmao I play 琵琶.I started to play it when I was about 6 y.o.Lol And kewl you're the only person I know that play ocarina I even hardly heard of this before but I'm sure that I've seen it once Lol
inactive user
You seem to be interesting :)
Could you please tell me something about yourself?(:(Well I just donnot know how to start a conversation,I am not good at this really Lmao)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2012
Yeah, it's a bit difficult but don't worry if you like it, it will be easy ^^
I'm from the sud, I'm near the sea :P
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