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Gene stonebraker, 69 y.o.
Bloomington, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
hello how are you? i am Gifty Kyeremaah looking for a man who is honest,caring and real. am a real woman who is obedience. respectful, honest, caring and real i will like to here back from your handsome body and face. i like your nice mouth.kisses to you. you can contact me more at yahoo messenger. my yahoo id is [email protected]
Yours Regard
Thank you
inactive user
am very happy you have faith in God,and that also you have hope you will cross the bridge.may the Lord God lead you in everything you do from today and how was your day?i hope all is well.take care and have a wonderful day,and dont forget to read the bible.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 21, 2011
yes you are correct,we can be friends,can i know you more
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2011
i sure do love my country especially what i represent for my people nevertheless,visiting your country is not a bad idea.can visit not ssettle there
inactive user
thank you! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2011
I'm here mostly to make new friends all around the world. I'm a rather brainy disabled fellow in a wheelchair and into about every intelectual endeavor from philosophy and cosmological theory to mineralogy, geology and gemology. I have a very wide base of knowledge and experiences to draw from, and in my youth I was extreamly adventurous, I can tell you true stories that would stand your hair own ends gleaned either directly, or indirectly, from my own experiences. I am also a funny fellow, an optomist par excellance you might say. I have many physical limitations and I am always bucking up against them. With that said, I must also point out that I am a man of faith.Although I primarily look European, I am mostly of Native-American Indian descent, and the heart of the warrior still beats within my chest.
Age, and ill health, does not dim my love of life. The mountians high still call my name. The oceans deep still beakon me. But I had my day's of youth and vigor, my days in the sun, now I leave the wilder and williest adventures to the younger breed.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
OOps, this isn't my FB page - this is interpals.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2011
Howdy part manuers, oops, I mean partners! Welcome to my FB page. I'm new at this stuff, but you're welcome to scribble on my walls if you'd like.
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