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Fiffick1, 31 y.o.
Sacramento, United States [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2014
That still sounds really fun, I'm assuming they're only held in specific states where the war actually took place? Maybe I'm wrong :F I enjoy history but can't remember everything :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2014
That's cool, :) Does it just last one day? How do you prepare for something like this?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2014
Wow! how do you get into civil war re-enactments? That's awesome lol Put that on a resume and highlight it!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2014
I love reenacting and having fun with it too. just recently i got promoted to Second Sgt. I plan on being the first girl Lt. and colonel.
inactive user
Yeah, some people were a little too into it. I was thinking of this haha
inactive user
Spotsylvania would be a interesting reenactment, pretty much a giant bloodbath free-for-all. I've only done one reenactment haha, but I've been to a lot of Civil War sites. I have little time these days so I usually just stay on the confines of the base. It'd be a fun thing to try again, but with a bike you're a little handicapped. One thing I have thought/have been tempted to do was go to a Civil War reenactment and dress in a Star Trek uniform and act like I was from the future haha.
inactive user
That's awesome! Must have been a madhouse though. I've been to Gettysburg, Antietam, Andersonville, Fort Donnelson, Harper's Ferry, and drove past a crapload in a convoy going north through Kentucky. We did training at a chemical depot over the summer 1/2 a mile away from the battle of Richmond. Quite a bit of history in the area where I'm stationed. I've only done one reenactment (Bull Run and Appomattox) back in Wisconsin. I was artillery, but I went infantry for the real Army haha. What unit were you with at Gettysburg?
inactive user
Which Civil War battle is your area of expertise? Mine would have to be battle of Fort Fisher and Gettysburg. Sure would have been fun to have been at Gettysburg for the 150th.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2013
Thaanks. ;)
inactive user
OMG I Love Rollerskating! and weird coincidence.....I Live in Sac City too :D sorry if I sound kinda creepy >_< I'm 12.
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