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Kelly, 34 y.o.
Columbus, United States [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 339.
inactive user
Hey Salut' ^w^
Wow I'm impressed your french is good, well I just play on my computer (RPG/MMORPG) X3
I know InuYasha, I never watched it but I will, now I'm watching an anime too (Great teacher Onizuka, If you don't know this anime i'll recommend you~ :3)

anyway,Have a good day~ ^.^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2014
My favorite anime is one piece!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2014
My name is Kana!please call me okyana!
Nice to meet you!
inactive user
Hi, thanks) i watched these movies)
thanks for suggestion)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2014
thank you! yes, my username is quite an oxymoron hahah
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2014
the war wasn't held in California. or anywhere near it. my regiment is the 71st Pennsylvania volunteer infantry we are also the 1st Californian infantry. most of our soldiers came from California, hardly any of them came from Pennsylvania. I believe they have reenactments in every state. they even have them in Nevada. you just have to browse the web and see if there are any organizations close to where you are.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2014
One event last a whole weekend, Friday to Sunday. Some people get there on Thursday. There are several events in a season of reenacting usually lasting from Jan or Feb to September. All of the soldiers have their own weapons and gear and we have to make our own ammo, which are blanks (cartridges filled with black powder). there are several companies within one organization and most of them have loaner gear for the fresh fish. Its like civil war camping with more excitement.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2014
haha! I only got involved because my uncle has been reenacting ever since I was little. all you have to do is find an organization that is close and talk to the president or the colonel. I am with the NCWA national civil war association. I also have a cousin in Tennessee that reenacts out there
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2014
I like doing stuffs alone as well.. Ots fun at times but people don't seem to think so...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2014
comme tu es belle ?
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