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Katrina, 30 y.o.
Singapore, Singapore [Current City]


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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 10 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
inactive user
Hey, thanks for the visit ;)
inactive user
Good to see that you eventually made a response.
inactive user
It seems that you have visited my profile but did not say anything because of you are "too shy to start a conversation with strangers".Its not okay, because its little bit frustrating , you must overcome this shyness.At the end of the day this is online world not 3 dimesnional real life.Anyway.
I am not living in Singaopure , frankly I have never been in Singapore.-İf you read my profile description , you already know this.- yet.
''A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you cannot do'' Oh, great word.
You love kids ?Wov.I do too , unless they scream or to be noisy. o_0.I dont like this feature of mine , really. Why cant I love kids at any condition? God.
I am waiting a response, bye.
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2014
Oh it's okay ^^
Aw thanks. I like your profile too especially the part about your faith and making the world a better place. :D
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2014
Hi! Thanks for dropping by my profile! ^^
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