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Steven, 55 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2008
Hi, I was just reading your profile and noticed that you like Madonna and Eminem which are my two favorites ever!!! I also like the Peas, Nickleback and a bunch of others you listed. This is my first time trying to find a penpal so I was hoping we could be friends!! I also have a myspace and facebook account too, under myspace you could find me under refinnejtat. Well hopefully I'll hear from you soon!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2008
Speak to you tomorrow then
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2008
Hiya Steve

Yes the cats do rule the house. Dog's have owners but my cats have a slave!!

inactive user
nice meeting you!
inactive user
yeah i find i spend more time listening to the radio or online its more fun! lol
inactive user
David Wells was really good. He was so down to earth and I really did trust what he said. Derek was a fraud in my opinion though. He was over dramatic. I read in a newspaper about the fact Derek used to be get given one or two bits of information about the place when he got there. If it is true or not I don't know. Apparently he was deliberately given some false/wrong information and he used it on the show!!

He he. Those forum posters would, most certainly, have a field day with MH.

I agree with you about that. Dereck Acorah had his own show called Ghost Town which was rubbish. There was also another show recently called Living With The Dead. Ian Lawman was one of the mediums on it. That was okay but still a bit too "entertainment" orientated.

Sensing murder is brilliant if you ever find that to download. It is a show from New Zealand. They have two physics who try to solve unsolved murder cases. There is a resident medium called Deb Webber from Australia. My god, she is awesome. She alone is enough to make me believe!!! Nah - I will always remain a sceptic!!!
inactive user
Yeah skys prices rise each September! £40+ a month.
note to self check the sky bill to see how much im paying lol
inactive user
Most Haunted has become too much like entertainment rather than focusing on the investigation.

Also, the new medium they have, Brian something, is rubbish. I cannot stand him. They blew it for me when they got rid of David Wells.

The one thing that drives me mental about most haunted live is the constant ad breaks. They seem to be every 15 mins. That totally breaks up the flow.

You are right. Ghost Hunters is more hi-tec. They have the mindset that they want to disprove and look for logical explanations whereas most haunted are just ready to jump to the conclusion that every little thing is paranormal.

Living never tends to show Ghost Hunters live. In fact, Ghost Hunters international was tucked away on Living 2.

inactive user
Hi Steve
Thanks for the message
I like those programmes it seems tv is getting worse though they are the only 2 shows i watch regularly!
inactive user
Hi Steve.

I have actually just finished making my way through Ghosthunters international. I recorded them off Sky when but only now got around to watching them all.

Are you a fan of Most Haunted as well? I used to love Most Haunted but I am starting to have my doubts about the show. Ghost Hunters seems better to me.

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