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Gertrúda, 65 y.o.
Bratislava, Slovakia [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2020
Dobri Den. Rada dostat Vase spravu. Poslala sem Vam email za hvilku. Ve Anglistine. Doufam ze rozumite co myslim? Prosim Was Laskave nspiste primo do [email protected].
A busy moc Rada dostat Vase email. Prije Vam dobre Vanoce a scastni Novy Rok.

[email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2020
Hello Pani Gertrude,
So sorry to replying late!
Bad things happened.Due to Corona Virus. Lost my mother in June. She died.

IAM still in grief. Mourning my loss. Yes. Interested to learn Slovak. And communicate
Pls email me directly [email protected]. let's start over. Takze mejte ze pekne Den. S pozdravim, Marina
inactive user
Ahoj, ako sa máš dnes, môj drahý priateľ?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2015
I am still looking for a penpal from Slovakia by real letters.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2013
Hello Gertruda,

Its nice meeting you. How are you?

Am sure you have read my profile. What aspect of English Language do you wish to improve on?

Best regards.
inactive user
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