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Words and phrases make the gist of paragraphs in any piece of written literature work. About writing, although we cannot generally say that it is similar for every field. However, some basic terms and conditions regarding every field and many forms of writing are the same. Not completely but most of the time, the basic structure to proceed a language in an essay, an article, a report remains the same.

Writing an essay is not much different from writing any other piece of literature, from the perspective of language. The difference appears only when you do not follow a certain format for specific writing. If you are a beginner essay writer, you must have a lot to learn but many of them are the basic steps of information that you have learned already in your academic life at any stage in life.

You must have heard the term, “transition words” and might also have used them in your writings many times. Let me specifically inform you, what are transition words. Words used between two individual sentences to make a connection and join them together are called transition words. You might think if two sentences can exist independently, why should we bother to join them and make them one sentence? The reason why this writing approach is adopted is that words and sentences need a specific link of ideas. Transition words are the only way to provide that link again between the sentences.

Now the question comes, how and where should you insert traditional words that do not make the sentences sloppy and abrupt while you maintain the consistency of the essay effectively? Transition words in grammar have been divided into several categories

Additive transitions

Adversative transitions

Casual transitions

Based on these categories words between sentences and between paragraphs adjust and modify the structure of an essay. Let’s have a little brief look at these categories to make you understand how each of them is different from another. This will help you to write my essay perfectly.
  • Additive Transitions:

The additive suggests the fact that some addition to the given information is about to be done. This addition could happen within a sentence, between sentences, and between paragraphs as well. The addition between sentences and paragraphs not only occurs to increase the word count or burdened the reader with every possible information regarding a given topic. It refers to the inclusion of additional information that a reader might be interested to know. Instead of making a new sentence for it, the information is compiled in one single sentence.

Common terms used as Additive transitions:

Transition words that refer to the addition of information include,






These terms are used between sentences to fulfill the purpose of adding new and important information in a single sentence.
  • Adversative transitions

By comparing and demonstrating differences between two ideas, conceding points or offering counterarguments, or minimizing the value of a fact or argument, either replacing and recommending alternatives, Adversative transitional words are used. These words and phrases separate facts, arguments, and other information from each other.

Common terms used as Adversative transitions:











  • Casual Transitions:

These terms and phrases signal the reasons, conditions, purposes, circumstances, and cause-and-effect relationships. These transitions often come after an important point in the paper has been established or to explore hypothetical relationships or circumstances.

Common Casual Transition Terms:








Basic steps to choose a suitable transition word:

Check the structure and situation where you feel some connection is missing

Read the start and end of each paragraph and evaluate what transitions you added. Are they relevant?

Do not repeat Transition words frequently, find substitutes. Communication ideas can vary according to each essay type, the level of creativity can also vary accordingly.

Do not waste much time looking for the right transitions, every time you feel some gap between ideas.

These key terms and specific transitions used in specific situations are an effective source that I have used for years to get my writing perfect through the addition of these transition words while I write my essay for me interestingly and purposefully with good context and connectivity throughout. If any of you want the best out of your essay, you can also get them for your help.

According to my perception, I have almost added all the information I might have with me regarding transition words, but if any of you still lacks some guideline, you can have your help from a college essay writer service to rescue you from any of these academically uncertain situations easily. It is not always necessary to get that much hard on yourself if you can look around and get such helping hands through some research and effort.

Transition words may not be the super cool and most highlighted part of the essay but they might be the most important smallest part of the essay without which the essay might lack the coherence and stability that is demanded in most of the essays after the correct argumentation ideas. You better get it done properly, otherwise, you might lose marks!

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