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Akakame, 31 y.o.
Manila, Philippines [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 217.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2011
awe you're busy? well i hope it get better :S
woah woah since june 14th? your break is so short! :O do you have a huge upcoming break??
i actually am watching those right now!
xD OHSHC is REALLY funny! the actor fits Tamaki very well too!! XD
and the lead male in Ikemen Desu ne is realllly kawaii!! ^^ xD
yes! you better ;D
and don't worry about your english getting weird xD haha!
Hermoine?! so cool! good luck on the role! you will do great so no worries ^^ XD
talk to you later!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2011
I'm sorry if I'll not be able to answer to you guys immediately. It's hectic in school and am so haggard.
Sorry guys!
Catch to you someday soon~!
inactive user
Hey how have you been?? If I remember correctly, it's the second month of school over there right?? :P I hope you're doing well, eat extra filipino food for me XD I miss it!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2011
hey we haven't talked in a long while!
o genki desu ka?
sabishii desu! i miss you so much xD
haha welllp i hope you are having fun (since i think its vacation where you are!)
inactive user
how are you?
Sorry for the late reply

my summer plan is.... Work ㅠ

Take care^^
inactive user
Lol no I'm not that old XD I don't mind romance, it's just so predictable ;D I like the videos you sent me :P look up Blockb and Coed! My friend just otld me about them and their good!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2011
Ahaa , he's so cute xD
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2011
hello ^^ Haha , I like your profile picture , he's from Koizora right ? Hehee
inactive user
Haha yea :P how come you thought I was 17?? My birthday is in August ;) and i figured it was another love anime XD and thanks for the songs!! Janno Gibbs and Arashi have really nice voices lol. I like all of the songs but the 2nd japanese song you sent me has been removed due to copyright :/ check these korean groups out!!:
Hope you like them :)
inactive user
AHHHH.. okei,, arasso! ^^ HAHAHA,
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