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of 544.

long time no see^^
how are you today?:)
long time no see^^
how are you today?:)

How did you hurt your mouth ?
Wow, I had an english oral test.. damn, my accent is so baaaaaaaaad ! i don't I won't have my A-levels or GCSE or whatever the name is in english xD Bouuuh, i need to practice ! XD I speak like a fish eating cheese XDDD

How have you been lately ?

How are you?

How are youuuu ??! :D
Any resolutions for 2011 ? :P

Work work, sleep sleep; bus bus XD I can't stand it ! I have my Christmas holidays on December 18th ! Finally ^^
How are you ? Me = tired u_u
I removed my braids, my natural [relaxed] hair is BACK mwahahahaha xD
Oh ? He broke up with you ? Such a fool, he didn't realize his luck, too bad for him <_<
And yes ! We should totally snail mail but plain snail mail first because .. I'm always broke hahaha so I can't buy little souvenirs and so on.
You should try dreadlocks, the ones with blond ends *Q*
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