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Inge, 32 y.o.
Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 2618.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2012
Het leven, is geen krentenbol.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2012
Heey Inge,

Hogeschool van de Kunsten Utrecht. Jij ook?

Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2012
At least you get to try different sorts of stuff at school! That must be fun. I'm studying in a university of applied sciences (equivalent in Holland would be hogeschool, I think), school of music, dance and media. I'm on the media side (media production: the other majors would be visual communication or journalism. Mine is the most business-y of them), which is loads of fun. It's so cool to have a whole school full of people who like the same stuff as you do, don't you think?

I'm pretty good, thanks! It actually felt a bit like Christmas today! :D One of our friends borrowed our car yesterday and returned it today with a bag full of food from his grandparents'. We got chocolate, salmon, cookies and all sorts of tasty stuff! :D How's your life in the Netherlands? (:
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2012
I glanced through your blog with my elementary school Dutch skills - your school looks awesome!! What branch are you hoping to be working for in the future? Illustration/photography/sculpting/digital art/ what else?
inactive user
Late reactieee.. Sorry. Wacht, ik message je.
inactive user
ik had behoefte aan een nieuwe uitdaging. vond de feestwinkel ook niet echt meer je van het xd
inactive user
Met mij gaat het wel redelijk.
Die foto is idd in een carnavalswinkel genomen, daar heb ik bijna 3 jaar gewerkt.
Nu doe ik sinds 2 maanden wat anders;P
inactive user
Nee, op je blog. Je visstilleven is prachtig! :)
inactive user
Oh je zingt! Dat is een plus! Haha :D Soms denk ik erover met iemand een cover op te nemen, maarrr... Ik kan zelf niet zingen! Dus dan kom je.. ehm.. niet ver :') HAHAHA.

Je bedoelt qua school of qua piano?
inactive user
WOW! Wacht. Volgens mijjjj... heb ik je tekeningen gevonden :) hahaha... wow.
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