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Grace, 38 y.o.
Crewe, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 102.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2019
How are you?
How's your day going?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2012
Hey hun how have u been?, hope u had a good new year :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2011
Hey there! How are things tonight? I should be asleep, but I tend to be a late-nighter...
inactive user
thats cool! well you need to come to DC. thats where I live and im sure you will love it here much more. :)
its a great place to live.. awesome culture and a lot of traditions.. plus every kind of people and food you can think of is here. and the weather is awesome lol
btw i do love cute girls with british accent..
I hung out with one girl when i was in UK... she was pretty cute and she said brits love american accents lol
inactive user
lol! im sure you are very good at it :)
plus im sure if i were to hear you play.. ill be looking at your face and checking you out and paying less attention to the music... i guess thats what happens when you hear a hot chick playing a guitar ;) lol

I was in London twice this year.. one time in Jan and the sexond time in april.
its not bad.. jst very cloudy and the air port security is terrible lol
inactive user
hey thanks ok. I understand :) Well im glad you are learning the guitar kz i would love to hear you sometime :) although I must say.. you have such a cute smile :)
well as you know.. its starting to get cold here ew... and a lot of work lately since the new project jst opened up and i have a lot of work to do now... when was the last time you came to US?
inactive user
hey you, well i usually work till 6pm.. im suppose to work till 5pm but i work 1 hour extra everyday so on friday i go home early.
how is the guitar practicing coming along?
inactive user
hey you, well i usually work till 6pm.. im suppose to work till 5pm but i work 1 hour extra everyday so on friday i go home early.
how is the guitar practicing coming along?
inactive user
wow! looks liek you have a lot of practicing to do haha!
i LOVE the Beatles!!!!
im jst hanging out at the office waiting to go home soon...
inactive user
hey Grace. how are you and whats going on? sorry for late reply... jst been super busy with life...
Guitar hah? tahts pretty cool! so what have you learned to play so far?
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