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of 12.
I am fine, thanks. My summer was pretty cool. I have traveled for 2 weekes around California, Nevada and Arizona;) I had so much fun;) What about you?
We have not been spoken for ages! How are you? My spanish is getting only worse, I do not learn it right now;((
We have not been spoken for ages! How are you? My spanish is getting only worse, I do not learn it right now;((
I am sorry for my late reply;(
Hm how can I say it in Spanish..let's try ;p
Lo siento por mi tardía respuesta!
Is it correct?:>
Gracias, bien, y tu?:)
Hmm difícil elección. The Cave, I will wait, Hopeless wanderer, ghost that we knew.. No puedo elegir una canción;))
(elegir means choose right?;p)
55 días dejó= 55 days left?:> (I cannot waaaaait<3)
No, no me gusta estudias management. No tengo ni idea de quién quiere ser ;( A veces me gusta que mis estudios, sólo a veces...
Y tu?
Ohh I see, so what's now? When will you start studying again?
It is ok, believe me I have to use translator all the time, as I do not know so many words in Spanish yet;( On thursday I have my next lesson. Last time I had some vocabulary connected with Christmas, this time I guess I will come back to normal subjects;))
ok so 'un bestio' means kisses?
how can I say 'hugs' in Spanish? Abrazos?:>
In Polish kisses are buziaki and hugs are uściski;))
How was your day?:>
I am sorry for my late reply;(
Hm how can I say it in Spanish..let's try ;p
Lo siento por mi tardía respuesta!
Is it correct?:>
Gracias, bien, y tu?:)
Hmm difícil elección. The Cave, I will wait, Hopeless wanderer, ghost that we knew.. No puedo elegir una canción;))
(elegir means choose right?;p)
55 días dejó= 55 days left?:> (I cannot waaaaait<3)
No, no me gusta estudias management. No tengo ni idea de quién quiere ser ;( A veces me gusta que mis estudios, sólo a veces...
Y tu?
Ohh I see, so what's now? When will you start studying again?
It is ok, believe me I have to use translator all the time, as I do not know so many words in Spanish yet;( On thursday I have my next lesson. Last time I had some vocabulary connected with Christmas, this time I guess I will come back to normal subjects;))
ok so 'un bestio' means kisses?
how can I say 'hugs' in Spanish? Abrazos?:>
In Polish kisses are buziaki and hugs are uściski;))
How was your day?:>
Beata, Happy New Year too! ;D ;*
<I will reply soon!>
<I will reply soon!>
Igazából nem Szolnokról, a közeléből. :D Bár hétközben ott vagyok. :)
thank you for* not that ;pp
Oh, I see, that you for good advice! I did not know that, as I was learning only about gerundio and preterito perfecto;))
si, yo entiendo;) Espero que usted también ;pp
oh, razón (hmm?), en polaco: Polak i Węgier dwa bratanki ;DD Es el bueno dicho.
Yaaay! They will come to Poland too. I cannot wait, I am counting days<3 All tickets are sold. I will go with my many friends, I am going to Warsaw one day before the gig, so I hope we will have a really nice time toghether. In Warsaw they will be on 4/03 so I guess after Hungary;D I am listening Babel now<3 Do you have your fav song? Have you seen their new dvd? The Road to Red Rocks?;>
Ok, now I will try Spanish, so watch out haha;D
Me gustan este libro tambien! Todo comenzó de "And Then There Were None". Yo estaba en Portugal, estaba sola en una habitación de hotel y yo tengo miedo haha;p Ultimamente leía The Moving Finger, en polaco: zatróte pióro;)) muy interesante!
si, yo entiendo;) Espero que usted también ;pp
oh, razón (hmm?), en polaco: Polak i Węgier dwa bratanki ;DD Es el bueno dicho.
Yaaay! They will come to Poland too. I cannot wait, I am counting days<3 All tickets are sold. I will go with my many friends, I am going to Warsaw one day before the gig, so I hope we will have a really nice time toghether. In Warsaw they will be on 4/03 so I guess after Hungary;D I am listening Babel now<3 Do you have your fav song? Have you seen their new dvd? The Road to Red Rocks?;>
Ok, now I will try Spanish, so watch out haha;D
Me gustan este libro tambien! Todo comenzó de "And Then There Were None". Yo estaba en Portugal, estaba sola en una habitación de hotel y yo tengo miedo haha;p Ultimamente leía The Moving Finger, en polaco: zatróte pióro;)) muy interesante!
becsület! ;)) (is it correct?)
I am sure you know english much better than I know Spanish, but I will try to reply;D
what does it mean 'charlarnos' ?:>
Puedo ayudar con Inglés, with pleasure;)) Mi Espanol es pobre...
Me gusta la Navidad, pero no siempre. Este ano he ido a mi abuela con mis padres y mi hermana. Despues hemos cenado.Hemos desembalado los regales .. Fue muy divertido. What about you?
hm, I have no idea about past forms in Spanish, but I will try...
Yo estuve (??) en Hungría, pero sólo por un momento;( Has estado en Polonia?
I know Sziget, of course! I saw that they announced Blur, right? They will also peform in Poland next summer, close to my city, at Heineken Opener Festival:) But I am extremely happy because at this festival there will be also Kings Of Leon and Arctic Monkeys! I cannot wait fot it;D
thank you for your respuesta;))
I am sure you know english much better than I know Spanish, but I will try to reply;D
what does it mean 'charlarnos' ?:>
Puedo ayudar con Inglés, with pleasure;)) Mi Espanol es pobre...
Me gusta la Navidad, pero no siempre. Este ano he ido a mi abuela con mis padres y mi hermana. Despues hemos cenado.Hemos desembalado los regales .. Fue muy divertido. What about you?
hm, I have no idea about past forms in Spanish, but I will try...
Yo estuve (??) en Hungría, pero sólo por un momento;( Has estado en Polonia?
I know Sziget, of course! I saw that they announced Blur, right? They will also peform in Poland next summer, close to my city, at Heineken Opener Festival:) But I am extremely happy because at this festival there will be also Kings Of Leon and Arctic Monkeys! I cannot wait fot it;D
thank you for your respuesta;))
Ok fine, I do not speak Spanish so it is enough. I learn it but I do not know so much...yet. So if you want we can try to talk in English and Spanish so we can both learn sth:))
Oh I should say it at the beginning- my name is Ola;p
I can see that you like Coldplay and The Killers, oh and Florence too! I love them. Yay and mumford and sons of course, they are all amazing bands;D
Hope you have a nice day!;))
Ok fine, I do not speak Spanish so it is enough. I learn it but I do not know so much...yet. So if you want we can try to talk in English and Spanish so we can both learn sth:))
Oh I should say it at the beginning- my name is Ola;p
I can see that you like Coldplay and The Killers, oh and Florence too! I love them. Yay and mumford and sons of course, they are all amazing bands;D
Hope you have a nice day!;))

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