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A_cubed, 31 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 273.
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2012
hey, i have been sick lately but now i am strong and healthy again. And i thank God for the healing. How do u do? Its been a long time. Are you on holidays already?
inactive user
loooooooool :P it's fine.
it was pretty hot here last week, upper 20s..around 80f?
it's cold again though.. just.. eugh XD
cloudy, rain, and cold T____T damn HAHA
inactive user
Sounds good. Glad it went well.
Many many things are new with me but I can't be bothered to mention them all as we may still be here come Thursday if I startd to do so.

You up to much this week?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2010
its okey , well im from morocco and u ?
inactive user
lol ooo cool :P
glad you had fun ^^

snowing STILL???!
the weather today was BUUUFF.. was like summer =DD
i wore a short sleeved shirt out for the first time since last yearLOL
inactive user
Sounds good. How was Missouri? Wild? Crazy? Exiting?

Oh yes. Weekend shall be good!
inactive user
lool it's ok xD
my easter holiday starts on wednesday :P
and goes on for two weeks haha... i can't really call it a holiday though.. i'll be revising most of the time i guess T__T
exams are closing up D=
inactive user
Hi there.

I've been pretty good, thanks. Nothing exciting really!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2010
hey Alex
Nice to meet you, im great thanks i hope the same with you
inactive user
lool, uh.. dunno yet xD
exams come early next month :P
fingers crossed T_T

luckyyy! xDD
hahaha must be tiring then -_-"
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