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From where do you know Turkish helmets? Actually, the cap was taken to nomad peoples at the urals so it is likely that Turkic speaking nomad gave the inspiration to it. One of my favourtite youtuber is compolaining about the fast demographic change in particular montreal, where he is a professor. He is a jew so the the new wave of immigrants is actively hostile to him. I fear all the West except maybe USA and Latin America is doomed to get destroyed over the next 50 years because our nations refuse to even acknowledge the war of cultures.
I love Atatürk :D
Thanks for your visiting and for your recommendation about "谷口 ジロー". However This quote -“不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失义” was no thank you, because these word have preconditions to use. How about in Canada ? Of course reply/ignore, as you like - Have a nice day. :)
Wtf how so? How can a face be interesting? XD
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