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Yudi, 30 y.o.
Bandung, Indonesia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 182.
inactive user
It been a long time you didn't log on :(
What's new?
inactive user
thanks for the visit ~ lol
inactive user september, the 4th or the 3rd, I don't really know haha x)

Oh I see U_U" I'm going to Barcelona on sunday ^^

How are you ?
inactive user
Thank youuuu ^^!

Oh is it your project with your friends that you told me about ?
It seems aventurous haha x)
inactive user
Yeah, so I have my degree^^ and with mention ^^ ( good mention ^^)

Don't mind if I sleep at this time, I'm in holidays^^
How are you today ?
inactive user
Not so nervous, you know I already have my degree because of my tests results during the just that tomorrow is official haha x) And may be I'll have a mention ^^

Wow, me too, currently I can't sleep before 2 or 3 am U_U" but now in France, it's just 9.18 PM ^^
inactive user
Yeah, my results : Tomorrow, 10 AM....can't wait ^^

Otherwise, how are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2012
The best special coffee is Latte, no doubt :,D And i like many animes, realy many. Right now I'm watching Katkeyo hitman Rebon, you know it?
And no you don't. I'm not great cook, i just like making food. Mostly some creamy chicken curry with rice or other simple stuff like that. ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2012
Movies are my thing too, so they are on my list, no doubt. So i like coffee with milk and all kind of differend teas, movies and cartoon/animations(looney tunes, many differend animes, sponge bob), walking and running, cooking and baking hmm...
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2012
Anything you wanna tell? :) Like tell me five daily things in your life that you love?
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