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Hollie, 25 y.o.
Derby, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 53.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2016
lol...glad we have something in common haha!
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2015
Nice to meet you too! Are you kidding me? I love the UK, the US is sooo boring
inactive user
No! But I really want to go! I don't even have my passport yet... :( I plan on going to college in Munich, Germany, but traveling throughout Europe while I'm there. I really need to travel more... Have you ever been to the US?
inactive user
Well, I think rugby's similar, but not the same as American Football. For one, they wear helmets and football pads in American Football. Anyways, I can completely understand your love for Chelsea! Their jerseys are really cool! They're my second favorite club team in the world and my first favorite in Barclay's Premier League.
inactive user
There are certain groups of hardcore soccer fans in my town, but sadly a lot of people don't care about soccer. The top sport in the US is American Football, which is completely different than soccer (or what you call football), but the soccer fan numbers are rising. I think the US's small success (which was actually really good for a country where nobody cares about soccer) in the World Cup really boosted the number of soccer fans.
inactive user
My favorite player is probably Manuel Neuer. He's pretty awesome! Who's your favorite player?
inactive user
Yeaa I'm off what about you are you in school right now?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 19, 2015
oh ok sorry i thought so but just wanted to ask so are you off school then today?
inactive user
I don't think it's rude but Yeaa it is :)
inactive user
Haha awe I used to have one
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