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Wiskyindia, 38 y.o.
Lae, Papua New Guinea [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 34.
inactive user
Good day i will like
to have a communication
with you so we can know each other better
Please reply me via my email ( [email protected] )
i will send you my picture and tell you more about me
when i receive your reply via my email
waiting to hear from you soonest.
( [email protected] )
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2011
Did you receive my email??
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2011
Did you receive my email??
inactive user
Hey there!! how was your trip to the Gold mine?! :)
inactive user
hi hun :) hope you are safe and well. please get to higher ground! dont want you in the path of any tsunami. love xx
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2011
bata stret,
me sa lotu AOG Eriku Lae.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2011
bata stret,
Bata faul raun inside lo profile blo u so bata tok hello.
ok bata God bless..

inactive user
Aww thanks so much :) hehe no present is necessary! your kind words are more than enough. I am hoping this year will be a really good year for me.. fingers crossed! Have you ever heard of "chinese horoscopes" before?? its basically chinese predictions for the future, and u find out ur prediction based on the year you were born in. I was born in 1992, so under chinese horoscopes i was born in the year of the monkey! According to them, this year is supposed to be a very exciting/prosperous yr for people born in the year of the monkey.. but they also said im going to run out of money! Haha some people say Im really silly for listening to these predictions.. but sometimes they come true :) for instance, my money is a little bit tight already.. i wish i had more. But thats ok..i just need to find a new job! Do you believe in spiritual things like the horoscopes?? for instance like witch doctors, god, spirits, that kind of thing?

I work at the moment at a book shop in the city centre called "Borders". At the moment there are some problems with the business because we arent making enough profit.. so we dont know if our store will stay open for much longer! if you didnt NEED to work, would you? what would you do instead?? if i didnt need to, id be just roaming the world.. making friends, learning new things and espescially going to third world nations and helping out :)

Congratulations on getting into uni! thats excellent news :) i hope you find it rewarding and stimulating! i find uni a challenge, but in a good way! I will be in second yr of uni this yr, but I am taking 6 months off beginning in July, as Im departing for europe then! I still dont know what i want to do in the future - somethng involved with helping others! i will be a qualified lawyer and marketing graduate.. but i dont know if i want to work in a law firm :(
inactive user
Hey there!! :) not yet, i still have about 10 days to go.. yay! im not really looking forward to going back haha. I still need to buy textbooks and they are going to cost sooo much money!! how about you, what have you been up to!? it was my birthday on saturday so i was celebrating on saturday night, but i had to work during the day :) xxx
inactive user
Aw no probs :-) its nice to hear you! im doing pretty well. Tonight i have to go to work which is depressing haha but I have had three weeks off so I guess i cant complain! What have you been up to lately?!
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