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Coulter, 33 y.o.
Round Rock, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 49.
inactive user
Hello :-)
inactive user
On phone short msg

Studied French

Close to Biôdome?

Well, quebecois girls = cute ♥.♥
inactive user
WOOP WOOP!! We're 'murican and proud! ;D
but I have to say though, Montréal, and as well as the rest of Canada, is still pretty cool by my point of view^^
I think I would actually live in Monty too >> :O
I'm not sure if you told me what you're studying. If you did, I'm sorry I forgot. If you didn't tell then what are you studying and where? I studied at UQÀM which is really close to UQÀM-Berry Métro station, if I remember correctly. My dorm building was really close to Places-des-arts Station.

Hey, did you know that UQÀM is located near the red-light district and about a block away from the Gay Village?
Which leads me to ask, where do you reside (live at the moment)?

You're welcome to come to Charlotte. Most people say it's a nice town...that's all I have to say about that.
inactive user
wow! tu connais browsnville? haha beaucoup pas des gens la connais :P attends 11 ans à Houston, après Austin pour 4-5 ans (alors, 4.5 ans?) non>? alors tu es americain, un texain mais pourquoi est-ce que tu es au canada? Je sais pour les études mais pourquoi et comment? tes parents ont trouvé de travail là? Tu veux apprendre le français? tu aimes montréal plus que Texas? :o désolé seulement curieux...

la seule raison pourquoi je habite en Caroline c'est le travail! :/ mes parents sont immigrés alors ils n'ont pas trouvé un bon boulot au Texas at the time. NC had a lot of available jobs surtout dans la contruction et dans les usines

J'aime les montagnes et les plages de Caroline mais pas les villes. Il n'y a pas des choses à faire ici....Montreal is the complete opposite of Charlotte, believe me.
inactive user
(J'aime quand je parle sur Texas!^^ :P)
Well, it was the year 1900 plus 93, my mother just gave birth to me.... XD haha ok ok i'll stop.

I was born in Brownsville, c'est une petite ville sur la frontère entre Texas et Mexique. Just like Champlain, NY et Quebec, CAN :)

Ensuite, Austin et enfin Houston.

I lived in Texas for 6 years mais en Caroline du Nord pour 16 ans. :/

et toi>? :D
inactive user
inactive user
woaw woaw woaw woaw pal, hold your horses there cowboy!

you, mon ami, are very hipiliscious! why?
1.those glasses, it just screams hipster
2. that awesome yet charming mustache (i like it I want to grow one but I can't :P)
3. that's sweatery...yeah.. :P

anyway I'm also surprised that you were born in TEXAS, the greatest state in America and probably the most
" 'MURICAN" by far ;)

Les Texans sont les Nouveaux Hispters d'aujourdh'ui! :D
inactive user
Dude, to be honest, that's the only reason why I left you a post your hipness! ;D
WHAT!! :O dude ma tête a explosé!! BOOM!!
inactive user
Oui, Dallas est cool mais je dis ça parce que je suis un Texain :P
a bit bias non? Aussi, Austin, Houston, et San Antonio et El Paso^^ WOOO = TEXAS!! Tu l'as visité ? :D
You will love it, je te promais! :D

Vraiment?! :o WOW, mais you look like a hispster from cali just sayin' you know?
inactive user
sorry fro late response other interpals messages :P
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