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MyTien, 34 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 145.
inactive user
you love a lot of random things :p
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2009
Hi there..
I'm Wiwie..
Just fine..

inactive user
i went to my nephews birthday and seen a lot of my relatives i have not seen for a long time and it was good :)
my korean girl friend spent last week with me and that was a lot of fun i really like her a lot and she cryed when she had to leave me to go home back to korea it was so sad :(
i am still depressed about her leaving :( anyway guess i'll have to go viset her in korea ASAP right.
and guess what her friend owns a language school in korea soooooooooooooooo i will get a job there maybe :) hehe
inactive user
lol looks like u been partying pretty hard :)
how have u been :) i have so much to tell u :)
inactive user
weekend was kind of boring, to much rain so i couldn't get out to much :(

Stayed home writing and playing piano, which was actually nice ^^

How about you, how was your weekend?
oh let me try to met this guy with pointy hair in school, he sparkled in the sunlight and then you fell in love with him and found out that he was a vampire.

How close am I?
inactive user
how are you?
can i be your friend?
do you have YM or facebook?
inactive user
hi there :)
i like your new pic you look Nice haha :)
so what u up tp today ???
i have to study :(
such a drag
inactive user
good to hear ^^

you know, everyone that I ask "how are you doing" says the same thing now that I think about it: "I'm good." "I'm Fine."
"I'm alright."

No one is ever: "Sad." "Angry." or "Going out of there mind about ready to erupt into a flaming inferno of rage!"

this website must send off happy vibes...this site is...dare I the press...alert the President... @.@ lol
inactive user
I'm doing good, I now have my ice cream so I am very happy at the moment....although I could use some peanuts...add that to my list of things to love: Peanuts!!!

how are you doing?
inactive user
very good and u?
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