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Thattapenner, 35 y.o.
Pune, India [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 71.
inactive user
In my buddhist opinion complements come from simply love and compassion to others :)
Im fine thx.
And how are u?
inactive user
Thanks for comment under my photo ; )
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
Oh, this is really interesting :) Nice way to get a pseudo! I really like the sound of it =)

I'm such a critical person when it comes to photos... and I mostly take photos such as landscapes or small things.. ^^

but for now, I'll have to say bye... I have to get up early tomorrow, so now it's time for me to go offline. Cyu soon :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
No, don#t worry, I had no problems understanding your German! I confused myself with writing this "es" und "sie" thingie... :D

I'm really into fantasy and science fiction when it comes to books. :) Always open for a good read in these genres... I like exploring new worlds in my mind. What about you? What genre gets you the most?

Oh, no problem :) I'm quite often doing this myself, so I think I won't have a problem understanding ^^ Don't worry!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
Institia is the female version of the latin word "institio", which means "gridlock" or "standstill"... it's a pseudo. I'm so used in using pseudos on websites, somehow. ^^

What about your name? Is it a pseudo, too? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
no problem ;)

no, indeed, in Germany "es" is tghe neutral form, just as it, and "sie" is female.. :) "Es" would make "Stadt" neutral, but in german, "Stadt" is female...although, if you use the name of the city it's neutral.
Gosh, I'm already confused by reading this... :D although it's my first language...

No problem, take your time :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
Yes, I think I am... a bit. ^^ Although sometimes techno-thingies hate me...
I think they are pretty good :) I know exactly what you mean... :D But it's no problem, I think it will get better the more you try ;)

Yepp, now I'm done with classes for today.. finally! :) But still, tomorrow is a new day with new classes to come
So, what about your day? Everything going alright? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
Hey, very well :) So, I'll answer in German... I hope you understand everything. ^^

Werdohl liegt nicht ganz im Norden, sondern im Westen von Deutschland. Es ist eine kleine Stadt die für nichts berühmt ist. Aber viele machen Witze, weil es hier und in der Umgebung oft regnet. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
yepp, it's media classes, but we have to take some courses in media economics... this one was called "Gründungsmanagement", so founding a media company =)
Nope, I'm not video taping, I'm really literally taking notes, just not with pen & paper but directly typing. ^^
it's not an android phone, it's a small ASUS laptop / netbook... although an Android phone would be quite nice. ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
:D I'm texting over my eeePC, yupp. I'm taking notes via my laptop, since it's easier when the lecturer is speaking really fast. ;)

Ah, it's nearly over. ;) And it's possible to write and concentrate at the same time. ;)
It's my economics class... today is the first lessons which is really interesting, the other ones (sadly) were some really boring stuff. at least for me...
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