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Scott, 60 y.o.
Carthage, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2008
what are you on these days as you are so quite...tell me wats new there./
happy new year and your family
inactive user
Good DAY

My Name is FATIMA,I live in Benin Republic of West Africa Country Contonu,am light brown in complexion black hair,but when you get to know me better, you'll see the real me that i am serious person ,i am engilsh person i speak good engilsh,i am leaning are to speak french because i am in french country,I like playing lawn Tenins and Table Tenins and Playing around with my computer,Music and films,I like many kinds of movie particularly,Actioning Films ,musical,comedy,I want to see the world from another Man any part of the country is welcome to be my friend, so i am waiting for answer now.

inactive user
hi friend!
inactive user
havn't heard from you inawhile, how ya been, drop a line when you have time.
inactive user
Well im doing just fine,spending time on the computer and are about to get out to the barn to (**** cant find the rigth word) Hmmm making pins out of wood.Its raining here so feels nicer to be inside rigth now.And how about yourself?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2008
Hey Spbeirman,
Just wanted to say hi.
You seem like a prety awesome guy
inactive user

How are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2008
I just want to say that your mustache is fantastic!

good day
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2008
Hi my love,
my name is Marrian West from Benin,i realy looking for who will be my life partner if God suport us.
i am simple,am always making laugh,God will and my God will give me whom i will settle with,for better and for the worst,all days in my life.
love Marrian.
contact me at [email protected]
from love marrian.
inactive user
G'day Scott,
Just had a look at your prfile and thought i would say hello from sydney australia

take care and have a nice day
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