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Kiall, 35 y.o.
Fishers, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
inactive user
aha, exactly! :)
inactive user
i'll pain myself lime green

then i'll be legit.
inactive user
ew. no.

I don't like frogs/toads.

deal, i'm growing a beard.

inactive user
i was thinking of a small stone bridge.

Trolls have beards, so I have to grow one? I'm trying really hard. lol

inactive user
so proud!!haha~
inactive user
It's in the middle of desolation wilderness, which is southwest of lake tahoe. we went backpacking there just recently
inactive user
well, i suppose i dont really have a specific dance move that i love. i just like to dance in general, y'know what i'm saying? i agree about the robot, however. IT STILL LIVES! (domirigato mr. roboto)
inactive user
why would somebody live in a shoe? Doesn't it smell in there? I mean I guess there's that old lady that lives in a shoe, but that's just a story. I hate it when you have stories that aren't real but you wish they were. Like the story about the three billy goats. So my friend Ben and I have decided to live under a bridge for the rest of our lives and yell at people who try to go over our bridge, or make them answer a riddle.

Which leads us back to you're riddle....

idk. lol
inactive user
Ehhh depends. What kind of music do you like??
inactive user
Like, I was good at chemistry. But not phsyics.

you can't spit in my hair, I spend to much time on it! haha
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