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Steph, 34 y.o.
New Rochelle, United States [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
inactive user
I have 3 days off for new year.XD
cool,isn't it?I'll go home.^^
inactive user
hey,whats up?=]
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2009
Hello! I see that you are taking some time off from college...I just went back for my Masters. Just don't wait too long to go back :)
inactive user
Hey) Hi from the Canary Isles (spa) =) I've read your profile through
I'm plenty of patience to teach Spanish, and it wouldn't be the first time I do it so.. ;) have a look on my profile and.. if you want, just let me know)

Thx a lot )!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2009
hey there how are you? I love your profile and agree on alot of things, I'm from the opposite side of the US in California haha although was just in NY this summer, I love it there...
inactive user
I like your profile very much , so much in fact that I wish to copy your Emerson quote and without further ado have now done it!!
Love to have along talk to you about something really deep, I suspect you have much to teach
inactive user
sleeping forever just my so much work to do..
final exams are coming so maybe I'll stay up often soon..
aha..on the contrary,my roommates like sleeping--they are sleeping
But that's okay.She shouldn't beat know,sleeping enough is good for health.^^
inactive user
ice skate,nice choice in winter.but its not popular in China an I have to say that I can just go roller-skating.
Hmm..I guess going shopping is the only one sport I take in kidding..
I prefer to stay at home or the dorm,reading books,surfing the internet or sleep forever..=]
inactive user
It snowed about one month ago but actually it should snow around January.Thats weird.
Now it doesn't snow revently.
I don't like winter except for snow...
What do you usually do in such cold day?
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