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Mantoya, 38 y.o.

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 16, 2015
Ya sure.. Thanks :)
inactive user
owhh.. dekat area situ. esok sy nak ke sri kembangan :) ada dinner
inactive user
ohh.. alhamdulillah. eh, lupa nak tanya, kampong baharu balakong dekat mana ye? sy ni fail geography hehe
inactive user
yeap. pali pula macam mana? kerja apa?
inactive user
sebab sy tak suka kenal dengan orang thru benda2 mcm tu. rasa mcm pretty weird to get to know people on those apps. hmm.. nope. dah bertunang da
inactive user
sebab memang tak suka wechat ke viber ke. macam takde privacy. :)
inactive user
yeap. tak suka pakai semua tu.huhuhu
panggil taty je :)
inactive user
oh. hi pali!
urmm.. tak de wechat
inactive user
study lagi. nama apa ea?
inactive user
ye. boleh. apa salahnya :)
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