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Canaler, 37 y.o.
Jinan, China [Current City]



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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2012
Hi :) I'm Anna
What's your name?
Nice to talk with you :)
inactive user
inactive user
我也很高兴认识你 ^^
inactive user
I'm great too. Studying...looking for jobs... The usual haha

It has been very boring :(
inactive user
Hey! It's still pretty early here so yeah! Haha

I know! How you've been??
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2012
是啊 课表空荡荡的 你跳街舞?
inactive user
that's cool!! I love to watch football!!
Mainly I watch the English league, but a little bit of the Spanish one too.

And I try to go to the stadium to watch my team play!!
inactive user
what? why? what just happened??

Couldn't watch the game today.. I love football but I don't watch the italian league :(
inactive user
I'm talking to some funny people in the I don't feel like sleeping haha

By the way!! you like football?
inactive user
Pangkai! Sounds fun!!

Your english will be better if you just keep talking. And you'll make lots of friends here... difficult part is to keep talking to them haha
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