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Choi anna, 30 y.o.
Glendale, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 296.
inactive user
Can we be penpals?
My name is Josh Cowan
I am 33 years old
I have a disability called cerebal palsy and have a good since of humor

I also have Skype

Note: I prefer snail mail but can also do email

Is that okay with you?

Here is a little joke for you

Q: Why couldn't the blonde add 10 and seven on a calculator?

A: She couldn't find the 10 key.
inactive user
Hi Anna-san, when did you arrive in California? Just recently? I miss you, hope we can catch up.
inactive user
Yes, I did. and tried... soo hard! we should continie to do that;(!!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2013
hey, I'm good thanks :), what about u??
ohh that sounds like a good plan ^^
well, it's gonna take me some more months to graduate but yeah, I'm getting there xD
inactive user
this thing is so confusing:( lol
inactive user
Wow, thank you very much for your kindness, I hope we can be friends. ^_^
Do you use Skype, Facebook, etc? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 5, 2013
yep ^^,
it should happen within the next too months, I can't wait for it!!
really??? so why didn't you try?!
inactive user
this is becky.
inactive user
Oh, why thank you very much. What are you impressed about? :P
inactive user
Thanks Anna, are you Korean? ^_^
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