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Saber1982, 43 y.o.
Gafsa, Tunisia [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 2 of 2.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2016
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2016
luis aragon;

your eyes so deep I stoop to drink I’ve seen

all the bright suns assemble here to preen

seen the despairing all plunge in to die

your eyes so deep I lose my memory

in the birds’ shade it’s raging ocean tempest

then see the weather’s fine your eyes are changed as

summer carves clouds to apron-size for angels

sky’s never bluer than above the harvest

what if the winds dispel the blues of heaven

your eyes outshine it when a teardrop glitters

your eyes the clear skies’ envy after showers

never so blue the glass as when it’s broken

o the wet brightness seven-sorrowed mother

the colour-prism pierced by seven broadswords

the day stabs deep that stabs among the mourners

the shot-silk iris bluer for the graveside

your eyes in sorrow pierce the pair of holes

the magi re-enact their miracle

all three of them observed with pounding pulse

the cloak of Mary hanging in the stall

words may-time saw a pair of lips suffice

for all the cries of woe and all the songs

not enough heaven for the starry throngs

they need your eyes your eyes’ twin mysteries

the child with pretty pictures on the brain

reveals his own affairs more cautiously

you make big eyes perhaps it means you lie

exotic blooms laid open by the rain

do they hide lightning in the lavenders

where insects shaft their violent amours

I’m tangled in the net of shooting stars

a sailor dead at sea when august flares
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