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Rurusguru3391, 34 y.o.

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1601.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2023
Happy late birthday
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2013
November is here. Few days ago I ate chilaquiles, and the day shows so many things to say... How are you doing?
Say lazy and I think about you as a cat resting, and so mountains, are now far away, but hope you're better than great.
inactive user
One day, you will be back on here... rejoicement will be had!
inactive user
hey I know this is really late! hahah but well sorry :( , here in the Monterrey City is a warm night, as usual this days.. some kind of fresh wind is touching my face here in my roof.
And I just heard the song, yes it is interesting, i liked hahah, listen "duerme soñando" by el gran silencio, it´s on youtube, that is like a classic here haha
Reply - Conversation - Feb 11, 2013
I can't really do "horror" films, especially Asian. But 301/302 doesn't very sound like the "horror" that I dun usually watch. And the plot seems quite interesting. If you say horror, I can only do Hitchcock :P

Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year! Wishing you a happy, love-filled and healthy year :)
inactive user
Bah, it's true... but even so. I dunno. I don't even understand my own nostalgia at times... I think it's just comforting in a small way, to have something solid.

Congrats :) Yeah I'm trying the best I can too. It's being complicated with a bunch of health issues though... which is a pain. But I badly do want to live and find some sort of happiness one day, so I think it's worth trekking on.

It's a really difficult process indeed. For me it sometimes involves digging back into the past to understand why I do certain things in the present. But I think I've come a long way.

All this deep stuff, ohoho.
inactive user
Oh where are you planning to go? Omg I know what you mean about the cold. I'm mostly walking around in 5 layers even if it was like 50's! Love Chicago, hate the weather! HAHA I wish! More like crashing in friend's couches. I'll be here till May! Where are you studying and what are you studying? Cheers!
inactive user
Time for people to change considerably... as I suppose is my case. I've only been back here for like, a week or two, and everything I had here before and had written seems so far away. It's a very odd feeling.

I had forgotten how wonderfully whimsical your internet speech was :D I've changed but I still don't know that much about myself yet. I've graduated college now and I'm trying to stop from drifting away. Nostalgia is a very good thing... almost too much so. Makes me happy-sad. :P

Oh yes... new about mez ftw. Watch it change in a few months. :P I am alright. Right now, I'm just trying to find my way. In pretty much any manner you could interpret that, besides me being physically outside and lost :O
inactive user's been almost 4 years. My mind is blown. D:
How are you? :D Reading this wall to wall is quite possibly in my top ten nostalgic moments. :P
inactive user
Pretty good just hate the weather its crazy cold! Oh I wish Oceanlint was an actual phenomenon!:D What about you? How's Chicago treating you? Im just visiting so I'm still trying to take a grasp of the city.
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