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Siheon, 33 y.o.
Anyang-si, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2020
hi,nice to meet you. I am elias and from Taiwan. I am learning korean and i need some friends to help me to improve my korean and if you are interested in mandrain/chinese. Drop me a message.I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2017
muy interesante
inactive user
Hahah very close guess!! I have 2 homes..I live & study in the city so I spend 9 months there but during the summer the city is VERY hot & humid..haha I can't bare I go to the village, the weather there is very it's nice to live surrounded by nature & relax :D

80?! Haha you have planned very far ahead ! xD but yes I have a very similar plan to that :3

No way! You finished your military service ?! :O
inactive user
i live in a city too so i understand..but during summer i spend 3 months in the village..and the stars there are AMAZING!
i sleep on the roof and spend the night gazing & counting shooting stars :')
it's very should go camping or to a village soon!
inactive user
yess that's the one! it's a true story and very inspirational.. haha when you watch it give me your feedback about it :D

Really? :') For some reason i feel connected to the universe when staring at them..i could gaze at them for hours
inactive user
such a detailed profile!! which i dont find very often :D

you're a very deep person :) i would recommend the movie "A Beautiful Mind" im sure you will like it ..and "The invention of Lying"
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2017
Have a good day~here is night😛
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2017
Hello ! 😶
I read your profile It is a bit intense, but interesting.😄
We have some similar tastes ~
oh forget to introduce me.
My name is Pia. I am from Peru ! 😍
. greetings from here !!😊😊
Reply - Conversation - Feb 12, 2017
It seems that you are very friendly and kind person. Is it true?
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