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Vinicius Ribeiro, 38 y.o.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 135.
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2010
opaa e ae tudo bem?? trouxe meu chaveiro rsrsrs (zuera)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 28, 2010
hahaha ok soh passei pra dizer que to vivo haha e vc ta tudo bem?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 28, 2010
sumiu?? rsrs
inactive user
Hi there.
I'm new to the whole interpals thing, but decided to get it because my girlfriend has it =D
Anyway I was just looking through the pages to start talking to people.
So.. Hey lol
Take it easy!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 30, 2009
many photographers but amateurs (you know), but them arent so better than a proffesional :3

sorry if my answer was late to send u but i was pretty busy with the school :3
inactive user
I like your photos, and the black and white ones are good. Photography is something that a lot of people like and i like to take photos as well. Here are mines

How's everything?
inactive user
Insults are the first thing every person learns from a language... In fact, most people here in Paraguay only know the insults in guarani, haha.

Oh, you don't consider yourself a cool person? Well, I'm sorry, but I don't know more compliments... I only know how to flirt!! Oh god, I should learn portuguese the right way, hahaha.

My eyes? Many people say my eyes look like the eyes of a nice person, hahah.... but I don't know... My appereance is different from my real self... I look like a kid, but I'm pretty serious and mature most of the time... Or at least I want to believe that, haha.

Well, Lugo... I don't think it's bad for him to be having kids around... but the thing was that he claimed to be a "pure" bishop in his campaign... and now, people know how he really was... besides, people are stupid, because everyone knew he already had kids... in fact, he has like 15 kids around, hahaha.

And I'm sorry, no portuguese today, haha.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2009
I loev violin and i don't have a pro-camera xD some pictures are from a friend's camera (samsung) i like B/W too but...with some color x3

O.O u're not boring ^^ i like that stuff you do,

inactive user
haha, my fans:p?
inactive user
Ah, figured as such. I would frankly be a bit amazed if you were on the internet via some form of Wi-Fi for that message. Imagine the maps that those Wi-Fi pirates will have to be mapping, there would probably be zones everywhere!

They're still alive? Hah, bet they aren't like they used to be though. Nothin' ever is. Saint Seiya huh... I've personally never followed it, but I know some of the characters because its was a part of Weekly Shounen Jump. It was back in the days of 80s-90s eh?

Latin Hermano! LOL. Fabulous name, I think its quite fitting (I had to look up the word actually, upon first glance I thought it had some connotation to do with being a pimp :D). Too busy to be thinking about nonsense? Now, now, that's not really an excuse, anybody can think about nonsense. It's just motivated when you see others spouting nonsense. See all this nonsense? I've just been talking nonsense about nonsense in my last sentences.

No. I'm actually much older than I claim to be. The hair hides my android self. I've actually been around for several aeons. ;)

Okonomiyaki for the win!
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