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Parepailin, 27 y.o.
Phichit, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
inactive user
What do you mean I can take the subjects I want? I take the subjects that are necessary to take. What were you asking me exactly?
I like both Korean and Japanese. I like many things about them, and they are my favorite countries. I will live in Korea, and visit my best friend, Yu-kun, in Japan from time to time.
inactive user
I'll be 16 in March, way off, so many months.
I don't consider myself cute very much. Mexican girls are more known to be sexy and beautiful, we are attractive in a way. Though, I'm just not like that.
No, I don't know many languages. I'm only familiar with 2, if anything. I want to work on my Japanese and Korean though.
inactive user
Hi, Parepailin! Nice name! What do you mean you're older than me? Your profile says your 15. O_O DURP!
Most Mexican girls aren't as innocent as you'd expect them to be. Haha!
But yeah, I have a cute and innocent appearance. I have a shy, but awesome personality. ^_^
inactive user
oh it is also good thing.
is she in vocaloid category? i cannot find her information easily...
inactive user
no.. I haven't heard about it.
inactive user
because illustrations are good
inactive user
yeah. i know her.
'천 년의 시'
inactive user
oh really? her illustrations are good(PURE)

No, I don't.
inactive user
her voice is very natural and gooood.
inactive user
mmm... I haven't checked latest information.
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