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Olaideolabamide, 42 y.o.
Ikeja, Nigeria [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 116.
inactive user
Good! Do you love historical drama?
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2013
For that you need a date?
inactive user
I love film, too! I hope enjoy movies with you friend!
Let's enjoy together!!
inactive user
I added you on facebook.
Elementary school : 7~12
Middle school : 13~15
High school : 16~18
After High school, we go to Univ. or college.
Men have to go to military service.
Our film production is huge. Do you like Korean film?
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
how is your film production going on there
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
middle you call it let see,want wat you called middle
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
i don't have one either
inactive user
education? elementary? middle? Univ.?
inactive user
so how could we chat? skype? another messanger?
inactive user
good! we are friend already!
so do you want to chat now?
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