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Nyym, 37 y.o.

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 378.
inactive user
hey!!! no these days I don't visit here so often ! how are you doing?? you know I don't go to school so, going to france will be vacance too hehe any plan for vacation?
inactive user
I don't know well what time it is now
in your country, (in Korea, already 2010)
but I hope you enjoy your 2010, and there
is just something happy and interesting!

Happy New Year:D♥

inactive user
no, i live in tokyo with friends :)
my family live in korea! :D
inactive user
i'm fine^^
wow! do you learn korean?
inactive user
I totally agree, last year, i thought i had enough time ,now...........well haha i have no time at all! I can speak french a little bit, haha
inactive user
ah~ 2011 is pretty soon, i think haha me too i'm dreaming of transferring, i finished 1.5 year here so, maybe it's still possible
but i don't know , nothing is sure now haha
ah~ japan, i think many master class are in english, so think about japan too - yes my major is french and english
two languages lol
inactive user
haha; my name is minji!! :p
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2009
wow~~~ Law!!

I respect you

You would be a lawyer ??
inactive user
inactive user
ah yeah~ haha you wanna get a master overseas, i see
hmm then you are senior now?? i'm sophomore, so i'd rather think transferring overseas. well~ me too i'm searching a lot ,,, to transfer school >_< same here haha
do you wanna go france for study? my major is french and english as a double major, but i'm tired of my school
bye bye! i guess you are in school now?
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