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Nelluchowa, 27 y.o.

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 542.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2012
Nell.. jak to uroczo brzmi! =^u^=
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2012
long time no see т_т I'm good and what about u??
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2012
Ah i don't know about it haha, but sound really amazing :) would you do that thing too?
inactive user
I got it! You mean when you danced hip hop you were like when you dance modern jazz right ? ;P I didn't know that.. I mean classical dance not classic dance (maybe it's not the same xD) my english skills are really bad, I'm very sorry for that .___. !

It msut hurt a lot... I don't know what was the name because I had it there is 5 years ago xD haha thank you *^*
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2012
Haha I'm good, and i can get it XD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2012
Haha i can tell, it was :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2012
kkk yeah we are shy frineds !! xD
ummmm.. cuz tomorrow is the last day of final exam!! :D
inactive user
You're not stupid at all :) ! I'm not good at explaining things that's all :o!

You mean your moves weren't rather energic... the people who dance it must be really energic, and the moves very framed!
If Hip Hop needs people who are energic I'm here lol Oh... but what happened to your knees ? I had a problem as well and I had to stop classic dance ... Luckly I started to not like it :p

Haha thank you! I will try it next year I think ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2012
kk yeap we will be a good friend
that's okay xD I'm not good at starting conversation, too~~
and I feel light !! ^^
I think you are cute kkkk
inactive user
No it's a horror film :3! Sawako is a shojo, but in the manga people says that Sawako looks like Sadako xD and as I didn't know who is she I search and I find it... 8D **

Modern jazz ? is it difficult ? I wanna learn hip hop *^* ! is your knees good now ?
Yes, because my piano's teacher said that I was not made for playing piano xD (yes it's very mean ┬_┬) So if guitar is more difficult than playing piano..; I don't know if I will be able to learn it 8D ! Yes you're right! I agree with you *^*
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