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HANJOO, 35 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2013
inactive user
Ohhh you seem like witches hahaha xD I can be naughty then!
inactive user
Oh! But I'm a witch hahahha :P
inactive user
Ohoh! Glad to hear that ^^
inactive user
Helloooo~~ how are you today?
inactive user
yeah ^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2013
hi! nkce to see your profile :)
hope we can be friends later, so we can share about many things later :)
feel free to send me any mesaage ^^
inactive user
Hearing what you said,I think I really go to Korea someday haha
inactive user
haha but I think studying abroad is cool thing

That's right!!

I always want to go to Korea><
inactive user
I am also student
wow!! Philippines!! is so far

Nice to meet you,too^^

So you know Taiwan this country?
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