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Madison, 32 y.o.
San Marcos, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 256.
inactive user
Hello from korae :)
inactive user
Hello Madison! Yeay, another ISFJ!

I wonder when did you decided to be vegetarian? I have problems with vegetables flavor, but I feel like to become a vegetarian someday, at least once i turn 25..

anyway, nice to meet you :)
inactive user
Just wanted to leave a Hello from Germany :)
Guess what favourite disney movie mine is :

Home , Love, Family .. there was once a time I must have had them too :)

Dont google ;)
inactive user
Another person that love Disney movies? Awesome :) I miss the old days of going to the video store and renting some random Disney movies and hoping that they'll be good and then years later they become classics. What are some of your favorite Disney films? Also, I feel like I talked a bit too much about Disney hahaha. Hope you're doing well!
inactive user
Plant trees dig trees and take care of the trees haha
inactive user
Fair question. I did have a picture on this website, but I took it down because I just didn't like the photo of myself here. I hope you can understand.
inactive user
Thank-you. You have a very honest profile. I like it.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2016
ISFJ? Drat. One letter away from matching haha
Well, then you would have a leg up if you ever wanted to talk to me, since I'm somewhat like your cousins :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2016
Hey, Snapchat user. :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2016
We have the same personality type - I'm ISFJ and anxiety is a big issue for me too! Makes me wonder if anxiety is a common trait for these 'types'. Really nice to stumble across your profile :)
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