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Marcell, 36 y.o.
Savannah, United States [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
Haha, ok. I will heed your advice :P
inactive user
I've tried it's sauce, but not a whole chill ^^i
inactive user
Haha, well thankfully I do.
So I'm not going to eat that anytime soon ><
inactive user
Haha, I'd rather not sabotage my love for spicy food by chilli suicide >.<
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2012
Thanks for comment)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 21, 2012
I totally agree!!! I (and I'm sure many others) have such a great feeling of impotence in this case! I think the lethal injection is nowhere near enough to punish his a**!
inactive user
thanks for the view :), how are you ?
inactive user
hi, thanks for the add! how are you? :)
inactive user
yes my best beb ;)
inactive user
hehe good lol
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