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Michael, 35 y.o.
Bath, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 23.
inactive user
Oh, you know Mircea Eliade. And you like it. :) Very nice. Did you read more his books or only that one?
By the way, nice to meet you! I'm Paulina from Poland.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 31, 2014
You're kinda cool
inactive user
It's already summer here. Dying slowly.
inactive user
Everything's good. Thanks. :) How's everything?
inactive user
Happy birthday. :)
inactive user
Lovely! Have you went on the stage to sing a lot?

Yes, it's by him. All about Lily Chou-Chou is also one of my favourite, too.
Soundtracks are definitely top notch and it has such warm and soft pastel tone images all the way through the film. The story was very creative and believable, actors were pretty cute too(the way they act). :)
Hope you get a chance to watch it. I fell in love with him once again. So glad it was re-released! :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2013
thx 4 visit.
inactive user
You talented one! What are you doing on the stage? Will you record a video by any chance?
Like I said I'm a happy pig these days although I really desperately need a part time job now for a bit.
I watched this Koreans' all time favourite Japanese film Love letter yesterday. Apparently it's even more popular in South Korea than in Japan.. It was first released on 1995 though. I loved it. Had probably every element that Koreans adore in a love story. :)
inactive user
Swearing much might not be a problem but people being offended and reporting my messages apparently matter!
I've been alright. constant 16 hours of school days, I'm resting like a happy pig these days. Thanks for asking. :) How have you been? Anything shocking you've encountered to meanwhile or? ;)
inactive user
Michael!!! I totally lost you after getting my formal account banned by interpals for swearing at people too much!!!!!!(These lame mofos!!) Sorry for disappearing suddenly!! Tried to search back but I didn't know how to until I found your default just now!! :'(
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