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Leejiryang, 34 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 17 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 630.
inactive user
EH! ah I feel ur pain!!! I\'ve been extremely busy, at the end of this month.....things will take a turn to my favour!!! but until then I\'ll pretty much be a trooper on those books!!! Haven\'t been on here for awhile eh?? haha yeah....I think some 14 year old girl started talking to me so I got a bit guilty and had to take a break + the studying of course haha Have a good one eh! stay cool!!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2008
I Still Haven\'t Received My Letter =[

When Did You Post It?
inactive user
hey! I haven\'t talked to you in a long time!! How is it gong? Did you get used to life in China yet?
inactive user
I rlly miss you
inactive user
Yeah, over here, we get to learn many languages. I am learning Spanish and Latin right now.
You can call me as Lilly. Lilly is my nickname that everyone calls me. My mom changed my name a lot of times when I was born because my cousins took them. And so my mom named me Kristie. My grandma couldn\'t pronounce Kristie so my mom nicknamed me Lilly... And what should I call you by?
inactive user
I like to study, but i couldn\'t do it for 9hrs. No chance. That really is pretty harsh. But do you like China otherwise? What part of China are you in now? Things with my girlfriend are going great, thanks for asking :)
inactive user
Wow... I feel bad for you! A couple of years ago, this teacher from China came and told us about the schools there... I heard that school starts at 6:00 and ends at night time... I like to study but not that much!!!! Haha, I might even go crazy if I study so much~ Anyway, I wake up at 6:30 every morning at come home at 4 from school. I get tired by the time I go home so I know that you must feel 10 times worse! And I would want to save you if I could! Haha, I should get on a plane and take you over here in California... Do you speak Chinese over there? Or do you go to an international school?
inactive user
Eh! yeah I remember u! ;) I got a great memory!!! haha....except for dates....I\'ve forgotten a birthday or two! So China eh? yeah u\'ll have to tell me about that! stay cool have a good one eh!
inactive user
Yeah I have a myspace but don\'t go on it much because no one messages me there haha.
Here is my link:
inactive user
how is it over in china now? it\'s finally Friday over here and i don\'t know what to do this weekend... haha i think you are really friendly too!! yes!! we should be good friends<33
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