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Yiru, 31 y.o.
Taichung, Taiwan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 274.
inactive user
Of course, I have Facebook. I'll write my account in a message to you, ok?:)
inactive user
In the central Russia winter temperature is quite warm, but in my hometown temperature in winter can be -40,-47. Yeah, it's crazy cold:) it's very hot in summer in Russia.
inactive user
Wow, it's so warm in Taiwan. Wanna go there in winter:)
How I wish it will become warmer in Russia...

Is your hometown near to Taipei?
inactive user
Oh you are on vacations:) As for me, I'm studying now. My winter vacations finished in the beginning of January.

How's the weather in Taiwan? I guess it's so warm there compared to Russia:)
inactive user
Well, I like Danson Tang, Aaron Yan, Jay Chou, Jade Liu:)

Oh college life. I'm busy the same as you at university...
inactive user
I also like chinese music:)
my favourite band is super junior. Also I listen to b.a.p, exo, big bang,tvxg,snsd and others:)

By the way, what grade are you at university?
inactive user
Do you have any favourite band? Do you also listen to chinese music?
inactive user
oo, the same as you:) k-pop, dramas,right?
inactive user
Well, I live in republic Tuva. It's an asian republic in the southern part of Russia. Our culture is very similar to mongolian. I think you know Mongolia. So I can speak both Russian and Tuvan languages(my native language)
Do you learn Korean because you like Korea? :)
inactive user
Actually I live in Russia. I'm not Korean I learn Korean language at university. My nationality is tuvan. Yeah, I'm Asian.
Do you learn Korean too?
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