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Elda, 39 y.o.
Ourense, Spain [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 245.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2012
Good luck for tonite!
inactive user
Hola, me llamo Will, soy ingles y tengo 17 anos. Me gustan mucho las idiomas y estoy aprendiendo Frances, Castellano y Catalá. Hablo Portugues casi con fluidez porque mi padre es un cuarto portugues y he pasado mucho tiempo en este país.

Me encantaría aprender gallego, porque, como usted ha dicho, es muy parecido a portugues. Además, tengo un tio que mora en Vigo! Quisiera charlar con usted, si a usted le gustaría, claro. Yo podría ensenarle Portugues y quizás usted podría ayudarme a aprender Gallego..?

Mi MSN es: [email protected]

Muchas gracias :) !!!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2009
Hello :)
My name is Bartek, and i saw that you live at Valencia. I am considering going for students exchange to Valencia next year, but i am not decided yet. The second option is Norway. So, i would be really glad, if it is possible to talk with you on msn or by this site and ask some questions about the city, weather, language etc....
If i choose Spain, i am going to learn Spanish hehe is it difficult??
Greetings from Poland
Bartek :P
inactive user
actually i dont like to eat it....but i like their looking!!!
i dont like lots vegetable..i is healthy!!but i till dont like it..

yes...i understand what you talk about...
so...Ourense is more hot than south-east...
but becasue south-east is mote it casue body feel more hot ...but the temperature is not higher than in Ourense..
am i right?????

actually i can not image that spain have cold weather...
is it very degrees???

Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2008
im doing great~just working at the moment...:P aww you are burnt!!:PP so you had fun there???;) that's so awesome!!lol awww you are going to go to your hometown!!! im jealous of you!!!! hehehehe thanks and have a great time at your hometown too!!;DDD
inactive user
... Have u seen the America's Cup?
inactive user
how long have u been lived in valencia?
inactive user
your friends are awesome!!!
because i think those mushrooms all look the same..haha!!!!! the west nad north spain is not very hot than other place in spain?????
because i heard that spain is very hot....make people can not breath!!!!!!!and people is a lot in the can not have a slow walk????haha!!!i dont know!!!

inactive user
i think those mushrooms are so beautiful....have different colors...but i think i will never know which one are poisoned..haha!!then...i died....haha...just kidding!!!

it is so different between south and north in spain!!
the world is so amazing!!!!!
the south spain is more commercial..isnt it???
i think sometimes it is great...but one thing i can sure nature for people!!!!!too busy day....and no flowers and great air!!!

inactive user
Sim concordo que é divertido, mas também algo exótico ouvir alguém com uma pronuncia diferente! :D
A escrita não é dificil pois as diferenças também não são muitas.
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