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Ji Yeon Cheong, 31 y.o.
Incheon, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
inactive user
LOOOOL RIGHHT but i still remmber you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omggggggggggg are you oaky thennn????
so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad for youu!!
but you study welll then veryy goood!!!!

ohhh okayyy i am really oaky!!
G OTHEREEEEE and choose FRENCHH loool :)
will u chooose Frennchh?????

ohhh okayyy i'll be waiting for youu okayy??
i loveee youu as well
liek before
i didnt forget you at all!!! ok?? DOTN THIN KSOOO!!!!
dotn thin ki forgot youu or kidnaaa :D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2007
hello mail me to this [email protected]
inactive user
lool my pic ? lol nothing special I think. strange to never see you on msn lol and you ? what\'s up ? ^^
inactive user
Jiyeon So long time no see >___< how have you been ? :D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2007
hi its christina, i wrote a message for u reply back!
inactive user
Loool it\'s general me too because soon holidayus for me :D
inactive user
Loool don\'t worry I can understand ^^ you was busy maybe
inactive user
Oh :( :( I was in school >____< maybe I will see you the weekend but not sure :S
inactive user
Loo me too :D Hey sorry I had forgot the traduction of the song why didn\'t say to me ? -_________-U Plz remember if I forgot -_____-U Yes At Tomorrow I hopee ^^
inactive user
hello.. my msn is [email protected].. ^^ please tell me if u are ji hyeon.. ^_^
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