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Jaspa64, 61 y.o.
Nottingham, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2010
Hey ...Did you notice that the word "You" in Icelandic looks like "Pig" in English. I guess we are all pigs.... aren't we related to them in some way? I hear pigs have high intelligence. And I heard along the grape vine that human flesh tastes like pork, at least it smells like pork when it's burning.

I have a huge portfolio of writing work just bursting to be published! I don't know what's stopping me.

Cheers :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2010
I've decided to become a Rainman. I haven't decided what that means as yet, but when I do you'll be the first to know.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2010
Drastic changes, A, and I haven't even changed my undies yet........ (blush)

The end of the rainbow is in sight, my lady and I'm taking you with me. Get your pot and hurry. HAHAHAHAHA :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2010
Hey Amanda,

I need to know if your okay. If you're alive. I can't go a month without not hearing from you. I'm okay. I've been swallowed up by stuff lately.

Let me know if you're okay.

Reply - Conversation - Sep 15, 2010
A series of impressions, many of them purely visual, most of them unconnected to each other or to any sense of history unfolding. Taken together, they suggest a world that is ungovernable, where events do not arise out of historical conditions but rather explode from the heavens in a series of disasters that suggest a permanent state of crisis. It is this crisis – highly visual, ahistorical, and unsolvable – which as theater is presented each evening.

You know the answer format you reply with “What is…” Award US $600,000.54
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2010
Hey Amanda,

Grey Matter teasers

I have 19 eggs. All but 14 turned bad. How many good eggs have I?

If 3 cats can catch 3 mice in 3 minute. How long will it take 50 cats to catch 50 mice?

Smith has a boat. It can carry 100kg.s Smith has two sons who weigh 50kgs. each. Smith himself weighs 80kgs. How are the three of them going to cross the river?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2010
Hey Amanda,

I'm gonna carpe diem now that I've heard from you.

LOL :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2010
Hey Amanda,

An Odd Word Or Two

Where does a man buy a cap for his knee,
or a key for a lock of his hair?
Should his eyes be called an academy
Because there are pupils there?

In the crown of his head what gems are found?
Who crosses the bridge of his nose?
Can he use, if a picture requires to be hung,
the nails on the end of his toes?

If the crook of his elbow is put in jail,
I'd say, "What did he do?"
But how does he sharpen his shoulder-blades?
I'm hanged if I know. Do you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2010

Your silence is killing me! Are you super-busy?

Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2010
Hey Amanda,

Stopped by your wall for a chat, but you weren't home or maybe your hiding me out behind the thick white curtains of your front window. "Is that you Amanda?! Why are you hiding? I wanna talk to you. Hey don't act like I don't see you. Amanda! AMANDA!!!" LOL

Hope your day was fine or a t least tolerable.

P.S. Hey with your PC moving so slow have you difragment the Hard Disk or clean up useless files. Ask yuo sons or I could tell it.

Stay safe.
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