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Hvhspg30, 31 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 366.
inactive user
hi brennan! i've just seen your profile and you seem a really nice person! If you want talk contact me.. Bye :)
inactive user
ahahaaaaaaaa, ill pass killaaaa.
inactive user
eeeeeeey im cassie nice 2 meet u so watsup?
hmmm....thought it'd be like cool 2 talk to u too :D
inactive user
I think they make fun of us because they don't understand what the book is about :P I've always wanted to go surfing...but I can't swim haha.

I like classical, jazz, acoustic, and Christian music mainly. I have to say that my favorite artist is Michael Buble though.
inactive user
Hey there! So I haven't seen anyone else on this site who likes Catcher in the Rye...but I love it! Definitely one of my favorite books. I think it's awesome that you're a surfer (here in Missouri, we don't have any place TO surf!).

Who are your favorite music artists?
inactive user
inactive user
hahaa. i dont care..wheres he sleeping?
inactive user :)
inactive user
Que sera, sera killaaaaaaaaa ;)
inactive user
So yes. You do enjoy making my life complicated.
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